Training programmes and training activities
As part of the project, various further training measures and training activities were implemented with the aim of strengthening the skills of teachers, pupils and families in the field of environmental education and sustainable development.
- Teacher training: Teachers took part in a combination of webinars, workshops, courses and job shadowing. The topics covered included environmental education, sustainable development and innovative teaching methods. The aim was to integrate the acquired knowledge directly into everyday school life in order to sustainably improve the quality of teaching. These training courses were aimed at all teachers at the participating schools and helped to embed best practices in the schools.
- Pupil and family workshops: Workshops were held for pupils and their families to raise awareness of sustainable lifestyles and environmentally friendly behaviour. The pupils played an active role by passing on what they had learnt to their families. The workshops promoted dialogue between the generations and strengthened the shared commitment to environmental protection.
- Job shadowing: Teachers from the participating schools had the opportunity to take part in job shadowing activities. Innovative approaches and best practices in environmental education were adopted from other European schools. This practice-orientated training provided teachers with valuable insights into new methods, which they then successfully implemented in their own schools.
- Development of digital resources and teaching materials: Didactic materials and digital resources focussing on environmental education and sustainability were also developed as part of the project. These materials were available to schools and were provided in several languages to maximise their use. They were easily accessible and could be customised to the needs of individual schools.
The effectiveness and quality of these measures was continuously monitored through online meetings, evaluation forms and feedback loops. Experts were also brought in to cover specific training needs and further promote the use of modern teaching methods.