Target groups

 The CLEANSURE project addressed several target groups in order to raise awareness of environmental protection and climate change and promote sustainable behaviour. The most important target groups were:

1. pupils:

Pupils from all participating schools were at the centre of the project. They were to learn how they can actively contribute to improving the environment through environmental education programmes and practical projects such as the introduction of school gardens or composting. The pupils were also involved in the process of developing and implementing sustainable practices.

2. teachers and school staff:

Another central component of the project was the further training of teachers and other school staff. They received training on sustainable development in order to expand their competences in environmental education. This included both practical workshops and job-shadowing activities where they could learn from the experiences of other European schools.

3. families:

Pupils' families were also actively involved in the project, particularly through workshops and training sessions focusing on sustainable lifestyles and consumer behaviour. The aim was to promote environmental awareness outside of schools and to enable pupils to pass on their knowledge to their families.

These target groups played a key role in realising the project objectives, including promoting sustainable lifestyles, improving the school environment and strengthening environmental education.