Participating institutions

These institutions are working together to promote environmental protection, sustainable mobility and education for a better future throughout Europe.

1st Región de Murcia (Spain)

The Dirección General de Formación Profesional e Innovación in Murcia plays a central role in the management of European programmes in the region. It is actively involved in promoting environmental and educational projects, including programmes for digital education and environmental protection. Its commitment also includes initiatives for intercultural education and the integration of disadvantaged pupils into society. A particular focus is on the development of bilingual programmes and innovative teaching methods to promote environmental education.

2. ASDPESO (Portugal)

ASDPESO is a Portuguese non-profit organisation that has been running programmes to promote the social and personal development of students since 2004. It integrates ecological initiatives such as the Terra Convida co-operative, which is dedicated to sustainable agricultural production in order to promote a circular economy. One of ASDPESO's priorities is to promote social integration and equal opportunities through educational projects.

3 C.P. José Robles (Spain)

C.P. José Robles is a school in Lorca that is strongly committed to the integration of pupils with a migrant background. It offers educational programmes for children from 17 different nations and places a special focus on environmental education and the use of digital technologies to support the learning process. The school has also implemented composting and nature conservation projects in collaboration with local environmental initiatives.

4th CEIP Puente de Doñana (Spain)

This school in Murcia is part of the Sustainable Schools Network Programme and uses innovative approaches such as Project-Based Learning and Forest School Methodology. Students benefit from outdoor lessons and school gardening projects aimed at promoting environmental awareness. There are also programmes to introduce robotics and programming to prepare students for the challenges of the digital world.

5th Primary School Schwarzenbruck (Germany)

Schwarzenbruck primary school is a Fairtrade school in Bavaria with a strong focus on environmental protection and sustainability. Since 2017, it has been running regular projects to promote fair trade and environmental education. This includes the organisation of school festivals with environmentally friendly and fair trade products as well as participation in community projects for environmental protection.

6th Primary School Altdorf (Germany)

Altdorf Primary School is an environmental school in Europe and has been promoting sustainability and environmental education projects for years. Its initiatives include plogging (collecting rubbish while jogging), regular forest school projects and school projects to raise awareness of environmental protection. The school works closely with the Bund Naturschutz and supports pupils in developing responsible behaviour towards the environment.

7th State Education Authority Nürnberger Land (Germany)

This education authority oversees all state primary and secondary schools in the Nuremberg region. In particular, it promotes digital education programmes and sustainable education initiatives. The office supports teachers and schools in the region in the implementation of environmental education programmes and the integration of sustainability into the curriculum. An important focus is on promoting digital transformation and environmental education in schools.

8th AFINE (Spain)

AFINE is a Spanish non-profit organisation that focuses on promoting internationalisation and innovation in education. It works closely with public institutions to support projects in the areas of social inclusion, gender equality and environmental education. AFINE promotes innovative educational approaches that strengthen intercultural cooperation and awareness of ecological issues.

9th ReBike ALTERmobility (Italy)

ReBike ALTERmobility is an Italian NGO that promotes sustainable urban mobility. It organises workshops and public events to promote cycling as an environmentally friendly means of transport and raise awareness of sustainable mobility. In collaboration with schools, ReBike develops educational programmes that teach children and young people the importance of sustainability and active citizenship.

10th Istituto Comprensivo Simonetta Salacone (Italy)

This school in Rome is known for its work in social inclusion and intercultural education. It offers programmes for the integration of pupils with a migrant background as well as projects to combat early school leaving. Particularly noteworthy are the artistic education projects, which promote intercultural dialogue and play a key role in integration.

11th Agrupamento de Escolas André Soares (Portugal)

This Portuguese school offers education for pupils from 15 different nations and places a special focus on social integration and environmental education. It runs special educational programmes for disadvantaged pupils and uses innovative approaches to promote sustainability and social responsibility.